Die Referentin ist Erziehungswissenschaftlerin an der School of Education and Human Services, The University of Michigan-Flint, einer Partnerhochschule der Universität Greifswald. Sie forscht seit mehreren Jahren zu den Themen „Motherhood-Leadership-Identity“ und wird in dieser englischsprachigen Veranstaltung ihre Forschungsergebnisse vorstellen, bevor es Gelegenheit für einen Austausch mit den Teilnehmerinnen gibt.
Sapna Thwaite will be doing a short talk and facilitating a discussion about a research study that she is currently conducting. It aims to investigate the qualities of a higher education context which stimulate and support identity work in leadership. In particular, it investigates the notion of “identity workspaces”, or physical, social and psychological environments where individuals can reflect, experiment, and develop with little risk of harming themselves, physically, psychologically, or reputationally (Petriglieri and Insead, 2010) in a higher education context. Thus far, she has interviewed US higher education administrators, but is hoping to also include a small group of higher education leaders in Germany.
Referentin:Dr. Sapna Thwaite, is currently serving as the Associate Dean of the School of Education and Human Services and Interim Department Chair of the Social Work Department at the University of Michigan-Flint. Her professional background and training is in the field of Educational Psychology. She received her bachelor’s degree in Psychology and English from the University of Michigan and her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Michigan State University. Her research is focused on the development of leadership identity, crisis leadership, and the psychological impact of uncertainty and change.
Greifswald: Donnerstag, 21. April 2022, 15.00 - 16.30 Uhr
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