The lecture deals with the question of how the controversies of the communist past are displayed in Baltic history museums by selecting a highly sensitive issue from the immediate post-communist memory narrative: the representation of Soviet complicity and collaboration. The memory of Soviet complicity is not clear-cut, but a fractured phenomenon that is fragmentarily studied academically and has been left untouched museologically. However, it was widely implemented in the post-communist discourse to eliminate political opponents and legitimize social and political reforms thus affecting many groups. Thus, the established memory of Soviet complicity with its black-and-white subject positions can be seen as creating new inequalities in post-communist society. In the lecture, a tour of the major history museums of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will be undertaken, and the possibilities of dis/remembering collaboration and complicity offered by them will be analyzed in relation to another significant memory discourse - the memory of resistance and freedom fight.
Verena Liu, Arne Segelke, Alexander Waszynski
The lecture will take place as a hybrid event. If you want to follow the lecture online via Zoom, please contact us at baltic-peripetiesuni-greifswaldde.
IRTG "Baltic Peripeties - Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes"
Institut für Deutsche Philologie
Rubenowstraße 3, 17489 Greifswald