Konferenz – UK-Nordic Mobility: Tracing Flows and Building Networks

CfP Deadline: 6. März 2020

Link zur Einreichung: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=uknm2020

"This two-day conference wishes to bring together researchers from several disciplines (such as Anthropology, Area Studies, Linguistics, Sociology and Visual Culture) in order to explore how mobility has affected the identities of the UK and the Nordic region from the nineteenth century onwards.

Rooted in the belief (supported by recent trends in Migration Studies) that all types of migration should be examined, including those between what today might be regarded as ‘privileged’ regions, the project aims to focus on the migrant communities (particularly as represented by local multicultural heritage groups and institutions), the movement of objects, texts, ideas and images and the multilingual environment triggered by these flows. By studying these movements both from a historical and contemporary perspective, we hope to contribute to the understanding of migration, integration and heritage, ultimately favouring the creation of plural societies at a time when mobility is challenged.

Through this conference (which will take place at UCL on 21-22 May) we wish to encourage collaboration and discussion between four main groups: the academy, heritage communities, businesses/organisations and non-academic audiences (both the migrant communities at the centre of the project and the wider societies of which they are part).

Ultimately the aim of the planned activities is that of setting up the UK-Nordic Mobility Network, a consortium of universities and organisations in the UK and Nordic countries mapping the movements of people, ideas and texts between the UK and the Nordic countries and reflecting on the construction and preservation of individual, national and multinational identities in these regions.

Submission Guidelines

The following contributions are welcome:

• Individual papers
• Panel discussions
• Posters

Please submit an abstract of a maximum of 200 words by no later than Friday 6 March 2020. Please make sure that you explain how your contribution fits within the theme of the conference.

Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=uknm2020

List of Possible Themes

• Migrant communities
• Cultural groups, networks and collections
• Business connections
• Imaginative and physical mobility (ideas, objects, texts and images)
• Language (bi- or multilingualism, language practices, language learning)

Dr Elettra Carbone (Lecturer in Norwegian Studies, UCL), elettra.carboneucl.acuk
Dr Riitta-Liisa Valijärvi (Principal Teaching Fellow in Finnish, UCL), r.valijarviucl.acuk

UCL, Gower Street, WC1E6BT London

All questions about submissions should be emailed to Dr Elettra Carbone: elettra.carboneucl.acuk"


  • UCL, London


  • UCL, London

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