In March 2020 it became clear that the Swedish corona strategy was going to be very different from most of the rest of the world. Somewhat surprisingly, very little opposition or critique of the approach existed inside Sweden, neither from the political opposition, nor from the media or the general public. For different reasons I early on got engaged with a group of other scientists, “Vetenskapsforum Covid19”, who since 2020 have written over 100 articles in Sweden and abroad, analyzing and criticizing the strategy of the Swedish health authority and government. In this lecture I will present my personal impressions and analysis of what happened in Sweden during the first Corona years.
Dr Jakob Svensson is a Swedish physicist working at the Max Planck Institute for plasma physics in Greifswald. His specialization is probabilistic modelling of complex systems. He is also director of a UK company offering software and consulting for scientific modelling.
Verena Liu, Arne Segelke, Alexander Waszynski
Lecture in Cooperation with the Chair of General Business Administration and Health Care Management, lecture series "Aktuelle Probleme der Gesundheitswirtschaft".
On-site lecture without hybrid option. More information:
IRTG "Baltic Peripeties – Narratives of Reformations, Revolutions and Catastrophes"
Institut für Deutsche Philologie
Rubenowstraße 3, 17489 Greifswald