Conception and realization of an online course: A quick start guide

eTutoren, ZADK, Digitale Lehre, update-Lehre

In this workshop, we will go through the necessary steps of planning an interactive online seminar. This involves following a certain structure - for each online session but also as part of the overall teaching concept of an online course. It also involves making use of various tools and preparing them for the interactive parts of each session.

Whether you are an experienced educator or new to online teaching, this workshop will also equip you with the skills to master the online session itself by creating vital checklists and/or helpful Rundown Sheets. Furthermore, we will look at the DOs and DON’Ts of conducting an online seminar.

This course in English is already part of the upcoming KreativEU training programme to be offered via the KreativEU Centre for Excellence in Digital Education and AI. See this website ( for more information on KreativEU. More details on the training programme will follow soon.

- Overview of the fundamentals of an online course concept - Exploring helpful tools for each phase of the conception and realization of an online course - Tips for preparation and moderation

- You are able to conceptualize and structure an online course that meets the needs of your target audience - You know various digital tools (and when to use them) to enhance the learning experience - You know the DOs and DON’Ts of conducting an online seminar

Speaker: Lukas Haselhorst
Date: 31.03.2025
Time: 10.30-12.00 p.m. (90 mins, 2 units)
Location: Online – In the „update_Lehre“ Moodle-Course (free enrolment) you will find the Link to the Course Room
Format: update_Lehre
Participants: no restrictions
Language: English
Prerequisite: none
Level & Module: Basic Course, KreativEU Training Programme

Register now
If there are any difficulties with registration or access, please contact digitale-lehreuni-greifswaldde.


Contact address

Baderstr. 6/7, 17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 1272

Stabsstelle Zentrum für akademische und digitale Kompetenzen
Digitale Lehre 
Anklamer Straße 20, 17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 1253




  • KreativEU in Kooperation mit Digitale Lehre


  • Online

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