Being aware of one's own competences, skills, roles and communication is a sound basis to build on one's own achievements for further networking and career development. But presenting skills where they are needed is often found to be a difficult challenge. Self-marketing and active networking are often associated with the idea of stressful small talk and the feeling of not being in contact with the "right" people. In this workshop, participants learn to market themselves, reflect and develop an individual competence profile and awareness of personal values. In addition, networking and how to present oneself authentically will be addressed.
Referentin: Dr. Christine Kohistani von saminworld
Dienstag, 27. Juni 2023, 14.00 – 17.15 Uhr und Mittwoch, 28. Juni 2023, 9.00 bis 12.15 & 13.15 bis 16.30