Study life balance in Greifswald

Life as a student can become quite stressful sometimes, which is why it is even more important to find a good study-life balance. The first step is to have a good attitude about studying and to keep your eye on the goal of your studies. The best thing would be to make a plan structuring your time and once the work is done, you can concentrate on your free time. It is important to plan your days well to make room for some free time activities.

It is reasonable to balance duty and fun in order to not get too stuck on one thing. You can find new hobbies, do volunteer work or find an interesting student job for you.  With all these engaging options Greifswald has to offer, it is now up to you to find out what you like and what you want to do in your free time.

There are five student clubs in Greifswald that are registered associations organized by students. The clubs you can join and volunteer at are Mensaclub, Club 9, Studentenclub Kiste, Geographenkeller and Geologenkeller. This is a good option for those of you, who love to go out and always wanted to organize parties themselves.

A great way to compensate for a stressful day is to exercise and take up sports classes offered by the university. The classes range from fitness and yoga to dance classes and team sports of different kinds as well as some rather unusual courses. It is definitely worth a look into the course catalogue to get your muscles moving after a long day of studying. During the summer semesters there are even classes of surfing, sailing and rowing, as the water is so easy to reach for us here.

Another great option to take part in your university culturally, is to join the moritz.medien. Up to this day they are the only media run completely by students. If you want to volunteer with them, you can choose between moritz.magazin, moritz.TV and webmoritz., or you just join more than one if you can’t decide. The moritz.magazin is a magazine published six times a year by around 25 editors. Moritz.TV is regularly producing YouTube videos about topics concerning all students and webmoritz. is the paper’s online platform with articles about many different topics.

Music enthusiasts can join the university Jazz orchestra called UniBigBand consisting of more than 20 talented and dedicated musicians.

The General Student’s Committee, called AStA in Germany, represents the interests of all students of the University Greifswald. There is a total of 14 departments, which are divided into the fields of university policy, administration, social affairs, student organization and culture. If you have an interest in any of these areas, you can join the AStA either as an advisor or an intern.

If you want to participate specifically in the organization of your study program, you can become a member of the student representatives. The student council consists of all students of one subject or institute and the student representatives represent their interests. They are the connecting link between the students and teachers. The members of the student representatives are elected by the student body at the beginning of every year.

And of course, there is also the option of looking for a student job that matches your degree and that you find interesting.