
Symbolbild Lernsituation in der Universitätsbibliothek

Improved Reading Science – schneller lesen, besser verstehen

Scientific work involves a significant amount of reading. How about increasing your reading speed by 50-100% while at the same time improving the quality of your reading…and boosting your motivation? In this systematic step-by-step training program of practical exercises and well dosed theoretical…

Symbolbild Tastatur

Data Science tools for students of the Life Sciences

The course intends to provide students in life sciences expertise and adequate tools to identify data that are relevant for a research question, and analyze them in a meaningful way. For a reproducible environment, the course will utilize the open-source language package of R on Jupyterhub. Major…

Symbolbild Meeting

Planning & Structuring my doctoral studies

Are you a doctoral candidate who could benefit from structuring your work, having a firmer grip on things and confidence in your research? In this training course you’ll explore how to successfully manage your doctoral research as a whole. You will learn the basic theory of project management and…
