Staff Council for Non-Academic Staff
The numerous employees who are not classified as researchers are represented by their own staff council, which advocates for their interests with the institution - the Non-Scientific Staff Council (NPR). In addition to individual concerns, we must also consider the interests of all employees as a whole. In a collaborative and trusting relationship with the institution and other bodies, we are responsible for maintaining a peaceful working environment.
Members of the NPR are elected for terms of four years and carry out their duties on a voluntary basis. These responsibilities, rights, and obligations are defined by the Personnel Representation Act for the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (cf. §§ 58 ff.). For example, they are responsible for reviewing and approving various employment and service-related matters, including the negotiation of service agreements.
The NPR provides advice on matters of general interest to its employee groups and also assists individuals with their issues. Please exercise your right to reach out to us in a timely manner if you encounter any problems - we are here to help you. Of course, all members are bound by confidentiality and discretion
Andreas Reißland
Referat 2.4 Controlling und Medientechnik
Wollweberstraße 1
17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 1358
andreas.reisslanduni-greifswaldde und
Meeting Times
The meetings of the Staff Council for Non-Academic Staff typically take place every Thursday at 1:00 p.m.
Office Hours
Due to staffing shortages, we are currently unable to offer regular office hours and consultations. However, please feel free to schedule an appointment by phone or email.
Note: University Medicine
The staff representatives of the University of Greifswald and University Medicine Greifswald are separate bodies.
Information and contacts to the staff representation of University Medicine can be found on the website of University Medicine Greifswald [de].