Staff ID Card

In cooperation with the administration, the University Computer Centre (URZ) provides university employees with a multifunctional chip card. This card primarily functions as a staff ID card and keycard for the university’s electronic access control system.

To obtain a staff ID card and if you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Nicole Finkenrath (Tel.: +49 3834 420 1212, nicole.finkenrathuni-greifswaldde).


Consultation hours by appointment only:

Tuesdays and Thursdays 08:00 - 11:00
Tuesdays and Thursdays 13:30 - 15:00


The multifunctional chip card has the following standard functions:

  • Staff ID card
    You can use the staff ID card to identify yourself as a university employee, for example at the Mensa (cafeteria).
  • Access control
    The university uses an electronic access control system (eZKS), which means that a number of buildings and areas are accessible with electronic keycards.
  • Payment function
    The multifunctional chip card gives you access to the payment service of the local Studierendenwerk (Student Services).

Further information can be found in the following information sheet as well as on the list of locations for updating chip cards.

Parking Permit

If you need a parking permit for your car, please click here.



Katja Engel
Wollweberstraße 1
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1213
Fax: +49 3834 420 3031