Further Education and Continuing Professional Development
Continuing professional development is vital to keeping your skills and knowledge up-to-date and to adapting to the ever-growing demands. Through continuous learning, you can develop your professional competencies. It is essential to set clear educational goals and to use the right resources and training programmes in order to realise the full potential of your professional development. We are happy to assist you in this.
The University offers various further education programmes for all employee groups.
You can find offers for further education and professional development for academics on the Graduate Academy’s webpages. Alongside a qualification programme for doctoral candidates and postdocs (including individual coaching offers), you will also find supplementary further education programmes.
The project KarriereWegeMentoring provides further special offers. The project aims to strengthen the potential and competencies of highly qualified female early career researchers on their career path and contributes to equal opportunities.
The Office of Professorial Appointments offers newly appointed professors individual coaching sessions.
Non-academic staff can participate in further education programmes offered by the Institute for Further Education and Modernisation of the Administration at the FHöVPR M-V Güstrow. The institute provides a wide selection of further education programmes. These range from courses in the areas of leadership, personal skills and communication to specific administration topics aimed at transferring knowledge. Furthermore, there is a comprehensive range of seminars on information and communication technology. An extensive Further Education Programme [de] is available on the institute’s webpages. If you wish to take part in a course, talk to your line manager/superior. Often, specific subject-related further education courses are required, which you will have to plan together with your manager. If you have further questions, the HR Department is happy to help you.
Additionally, the University of Greifswald’s Language Centre offers English language courses to all employee groups.