Jason Chue was welcomed by the Rectorate and informed himself about the university and its research in a round-table discussion with members of the Rectorate and researchers from the fields of peatland research, energy transition and safety politics in the Baltic Sea region, and biodiversity/paludiculture. During his visit, he signed the university’s guest book in the historic Aula.
He wrote (in German): “It is an honour for me to visit the University of Greifswald that is renowned for its excellence. Thank you for the kind invitation and hospitality. Your contributions to global research and education strengthen our joint transatlantic values.”
In the afternoon, Mr. Chue held a keynote speech on the topic of sustainability prior to the bestowal of the University of Greifswald’s sustainability prizes during the Dies academicus.
The Rectorate gave the Consul General a reprint of an historic map from the University’s collections. The map from the “Neuer Atlas der gesamten Erde” (New Atlas of the Entire World) shows the United States of Nord-America. The map was published in Leipzig in 1842.
Contact at the University of Greifswald
Press Officer: Jan Meßerschmidt
University Communications
Domstraße 11, Entrance 1, 17489 Greifswald
Tel: +49 3834 420 1150