University of Greifswald’s Senate Elects New Pro-Rectors

The elected Pro-Rectors had introduced themselves to the university public and answered questions from members of the university community at a special session prior to the election. Following the Reduced Senate’s nomination of the candidates, they were elected via secret ballot by the Extended Senate. The term of office of the newly elected Pro-Rectors begins with the start of Prof. Dr. Katharina Riedel’s second term as Rector on 1 April 2025.

The elected Pro-Rectors:

  • Prof. Dr. Anette Sosna (Teaching of German Language and Literature; Faculty of Arts and Humanities) will take up the position of Pro-Rector of Teaching and Teacher Training.
  • Prof. Dr. Daniel Schiller (Economic and Social Geography; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) will take up the position of Pro-Rector of Research and Transfer.
  • Prof. Dr. Peter Michalik (Curator of the Zoological Institute and Museum; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) will take up the position Pro-Rector of Organisation and Resources.
  • Lukas Voigt is Student Pro-Rector.

Contacts at the University of Greifswald
Chairman of the Senate
Prof. Dr. Marko Pantermöller
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3611

University Communications
Jan Meßerschmidt
Tel: +49 3834 420 1150
