Pomerania Nostra 2017 - Bestowal of the Prize upon Prof. Dr. Anna Wolff-Powęska

Pomerania Nostra Prize 2017 - award-winner Prof. Dr. Anna Powęska
Prof. Dr. Anna Powęska during her speech in the Aula of the University of Greifswald - Photo: Hans-Werner Hausmann
Pomerania Nostra 2017
Prof. Dr. Anna Wolff-Poweska (third from left) surrounded by the prize donors

The historian and humanities professor is considered to be one of the most important Polish experts for German history and German-Polish relations. She has published fundamental articles on these topics. Her lecture during the ceremony carries the title, ‘The Germans and the Poles Together in Europe?’

Her key fields of research cover a broad international, political, cultural, philosophical and ethical context. Her research interests focus in particular on the 19th and 20th Centuries, totalitarianism and its conquest, German-Polish neighbourship and political philosophy.

In its statement on the reasons for awarding the prize to Prof. Dr. Anna Wolff-Powęska, the jury of the Pomerania Nostra Prize refers to her publications on German-Polish relations that are held in high esteem amongst German and Polish historians and publicists. Many articles from other researchers would be hard to imagine without her works on Germany and the German-Polish relations.


Further Information

More Information about the Prize
Please also read the media release from 7 th September 2017
Two media photos will be available immediately after the event. Download

Contact at the University of Greifswald
Jan Meßerschmidt
Press and Media Relations Office
Domstraße 11, Entrance 1
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1150
