Junior Professor Dr. Paula Prenzel Is Winner of the Käthe Kluth Junior Research Group Prize 2020

Portrait of Juniorprofessor Dr. Paula Prenzel, ©Jan_Meßerschmidt
Portrait of Juniorprofessor Dr. Paula Prenzel, ©Jan_Meßerschmidt

Dr. Prenzel successfully proposed her research concept for a Käthe Kluth Junior Research Group focussing on ‘Population Structure in Regional Development’. The project investigates which influence differences and changes to the population structure have on the economic, social and innovative development of regions. In addition to population growth, decline and ageing, the concept of diversity will be a focus of attention. A doctoral project will investigate institutional factors that explain and support the influence of cultural diversity on innovation processes. The new Käthe Kluth Junior Research Group will also determine whether and how knowledge-based development strategies and demographic diversity are able to reduce possible negative effects of an ageing population.

‘The Käthe Kluth Junior Research Group is a brilliant support mechanism for young researchers. It will help me to get established at the University of Greifswald and be an important foundation for my further academic career. I am excited that I have been given the opportunity to set up my own research group with whom I will be able to jointly pursue a research programme that could prove to be particularly important for this region.’

The Käthe Kluth Junior Research Group has been awarded since 2007 to support and foster the development of young female early-career researchers with outstanding qualifications. The award winner receives funds from the University of Greifswald that cover a full-time teaching and/or research assistant as well as student assistants for three years, and up to 15,000 euros for material resources per year. The group leader is also admitted to the University’s mentoring programme and thus receives specific support.

Further Information
More about the Käthe Kluth Junior Research Programme [de]
Chair of Regional Development at the University of Greifswald’s Institute for Geography and Geology.
Media Photo

Contact at the University of Greifswald
Ruth Terodde
Gender Equality Officer
Domstraße 11, Entrance 4, 17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1108
