International Master's Degree Course Starts at the University of Greifswald

The new curriculum was developed by M. Sc. H. Rossa, Prof. Dr. A. Wacker and Prof. Dr. S. Harzsch (from left to right) ©Marie-Hörnig, 2021
The new curriculum was developed by M. Sc. H. Rossa, Prof. Dr. A. Wacker and Prof. Dr. S. Harzsch (from left to right) ©Marie-Hörnig, 2021

The new master's programme Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution (M.Sc.)is designed to provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge in the fields of ecology, biodiversity, evolution, morphology, nature conservation, reproductive biology, behavioural biology, microbiology and physiology in four semesters. Special emphasis is given to methodological and conceptual aspects as a prerequisite for independent scientific work in a future professional career as a scientist. The curriculum includes courses to enhance the students' personal profile as well as a research internship, in which the students independently conduct a small research project in preparation for their master's dissertation.

The main part of the degree course consists of elective modules, excursions and periods of stay abroad provided by the participating institutes and working groups. This allows students to set their own personal areas of specialisation. Applicants require a bachelor’s degree in biological, environmental or life sciences or closely related degree courses.

"We are very pleased about the great demand for our new degree course! 14 new students have already enrolled and have now had their first classes in winter semester. Prospective students can apply again from 1 December 2021 for summer semester 2022," says Professor Alexander Wacker, one of the three initiators of the degree course along with M.Sc. Henriette Rossa and Professor Steffen Harzsch from the Zoological Institute and Museum at the University of Greifswald.

Further information
Information on the degree course
Video about the degree course
Working group Animal Ecology
Working group Cytology und Evolutionary Biology

The photo is available on request from pressestelleuni-greifswaldde and can be used for editorial purposes in combination with this media release. If published, the author of the image, Dr. Marie Hörnig, must be named.

Contact at the University of Greifswald
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker
Prof. Dr. Steffen Harzsch
Zoological Institute and Museum
