Greifswald Student Awarded Prize in Baltic Sea Youth Dialogue Competition

Portrait of Fenja Neumann, ©Melissa_Seidel
Portrait of Fenja Neumann, ©Melissa_Seidel

The award-winning idea is a concept for a community-based sustainable consumption of clothes, which is currently in planning for Greifswald. It pursues the vision of a sharing community which promotes recycling and supports local environmental protection and conservation. Fenja Neumann had had the idea in her head for some time. The seminar ‘Student Projects for Climate Protection’, which is currently being held as part of the module on ‘Interdisciplinary Sustainability’, finally encouraged her to develop her idea into a carefully planned concept and to present it in an attractive and professional manner.

In addition to vouchers for products sold by sustainable companies that amount to € 600, the prize also includes professional support for the planned realisation of the project that will be provided by experts and the Council for Baltic Sea States. The jury consisted of prominent representatives from the fields of politics and culture in all eleven member states of the Council for Baltic Sea States (CBSS), including the General Secretary of the Council for Baltic Sea States and the Director of the Goethe Institute in Finland.

‘I am hoping to find supporters who are willing to help realise the initiative in Greifswald, whether with new ideas, by helping to develop the concept, taking part in surveys, crowdfunding, or donating clothes and furniture. After all, the plan is to establish a community-based venture that allows anyone who is interested to contribute in their own individual manner,’ explains the prizewinner. ‘This prize shows the immense wealth of ideas and the tremendous levels of creativity and own initiative brought to the University and society by students – in particular when it comes to sustainability,’ adds Dr. Tiemo Timmermann. As the University of Greifswald’s Sustainability Officer, he was responsible for the seminar ‘Student Projects for Climate Protection’.

Further Information
Information about the prize and the ceremony
Coucil for Baltic Sea States (CBSS)
Media Photo


Contact at the University of Greifswald
Fenja Neumann (prizewinner)
