Greifswald Dental Professor Elected President of the European Organisation for Caries Research

Prof. Dr. Christian Splieth – Elected ORCA President
Prof. Dr. Christian Splieth – Photo: Peter Binder

Prof. Splieth was re-elected as a member of ORCA’s scientific committee at the Congress of the European Organisation for Caries Research in 2014, which was held in Greifswald. After two years as Vice-President, his presidency will start with the annual congress in 2019 in Columbia.

‘It honours Greifswald that we are able to consolidate the introduction of ideas originating in Scandinavia for the prevention and treatment of caries without drilling. This is definitely also a recognition of more than 20 years of research into caries and above average caries values that we have been able to achieve in Greifswald, based on scientifically proven concepts. By means of international networking and the use of Community Medicine, we would like to achieve the same chances for healthy teeth for everyone,’ says Christian Splieth, Head of the Department of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry at University Medicine Greifswald.

The focal points paediatric dentistry, preventive dentistry and cariology are underrepresented at German universities and that’s why Prof. Splieth’s activities were geared towards international cooperation from very early on. Currently, a study spanning several years is being realised with ORCA partners in Great Britain and Lithuania, which indicates that the conventional filling of deciduous teeth is much less effective than steel crowns and only as good as the simple cleaning of carious defects with a toothbrush. The research group from Greifswald with eight caries researchers and paediatric dentists and 15 master’s students is working together with ORCA not only to gain new scientific insights, but also to include them directly in the treatment of patients or in school dentist visit programmes.


Further Information
Organisation for Caries Research (ORCA)


Contact at University Medicine Greifswald
Centre for Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (ZZMK)
Head of the Department of Preventive and Paediatric Dentistry

Prof. Dr. Christian Splieth
Rotgerberstraße 8, 17475 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 86 7101 or 86 7136
