Fostering Internationality: University of Greifswald Taking Part in the ‘German Spring’ in Estonia

‘Deutscher Frühling’ logo - Layout: Goethe Institute
‘Deutscher Frühling’ logo - Layout: Goethe Institute

The University of Greifswald has maintained a close relationship to Estonia for several decades, which has also been cultivated by the university partnership with the University of Tartu. It was therefore a logical step for Greifswald to get involved in the events. ‘I am delighted that scholars and students from the University of Greifswald are taking part in the 'German Spring' in Estonia. We are particularly excited about the opportunity to consolidate our existing partnerships,’ says Prof. Dr. Johanna Weber.

One of the programme's events is the interdisciplinary forum ‘Border in My Mind - Läänemeri Meets Ostsee’ which will address the topic of borders. Scholars from the Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO), which took up its work at the end of February, and colleagues from the University of Tallinn will discuss the historic dimension of the German-Estonian interrelationships in art, trade and politics, as well as the roll of the sea. The Baltic states and in particular Estonia play a key role amidst the various powers of the Baltic Sea Region. Thanks to their cultural heritage arising from former German, Swedish and Russian rule from the Middle Ages through to the 20th Century and the current economic and political strength of the young nations, the Baltic States provide important impulses for solving conflicts and creating partnerships in the Baltic Sea Region. The latter is at the heart of IFZO’s research interests.

What places do to people and how they are transposed to literature is the topic of the literature forum ‘Texts - Tracks - Places’. Three winners of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s Literature Prize will appear in front of an audience together for the first time and present selected texts. The authors include Berit Glanz [de], research assistant at the University of Greifswald’s Chair of New Scandinavian Literature, who also writes plays and prose; and Slata Roschal [de], who has already published poetry and short prose in literature journals and studied Slavonic Studies, German Language and Literature and Comparative Literature at the University of Greifswald. She is currently studying for her doctorate at LMU Munich.

The cultures of the Baltic Sea Region are also connected by organ construction and organ music. Prof Dr. Matthias Schneider, Head of the Department of Sacred Music and Musicology, will perform baroque music from northern Germany and contemporary organ compositions at two concerts in Tallinn’s St. Nicholas’ Church. Prof. Schneider shall also provide a masterclass at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. A special thank you goes to Prof. Andres Uibo, whose help and suggestions have made Matthias Schneider’s guest concerts and masterclass possible. The foundations for the cooperation between the two organ professorships were laid at 2018’s Nordischer Klang festival in Greifswald.

Dedicated students are also taking part in the 'German Spring'. The student society Greifswald Model United Nations [de], which is geared towards internationality, will simulate a United Nations conference together with students from the partner university Tartu. The conference shall look at the topic ‘Sustainable Development in the Near East’. Intercultural understanding, multilateralism and a continuous commitment towards peace on earth are amongst the society’s convictions. The ‘German Spring’ not only makes it possible to simulate international relations, they can be experienced at first hand.

Further Information

Germany has presented itself with the ‘German Spring’ in Estonia since 2010. The cultural festival spanning several weeks is organised by the Goethe Institute in Estonia [de] and the German Embassy in Tallinn [de] with the help of a number of Estonian partners. The aim of the ‘German Spring’ is to present Germany as an interesting, modern and diverse country.


Programme of the ‘German Spring’ [de]
Video GreiMUN [de]
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Twitter Berit Glanz


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Tel.: +49 3834 420 1150
