Entries may consist of ideas or measures linked to research, teaching, and the general administration of the university (apart from University Medicine) that are associated with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in one or more of the organisational unit’s areas of activity (energy, buildings and campus, lands owned by the university, mobility and logistics, procurement and awarding).
If you would like to enter the competition, please describe your ideas or measures on a maximum of two pages. A project coordinator must be named for the submitted project. No more than one project may be submitted per project coordinator. If this is a measure that has already been enacted, it must not have been realised prior to 2023.
The winning organisational unit may use the prize money at their own discretion pursuant to budgetary regulations.
Criteria for the awarding of the prize:
1. Relevance of the contribution’s impact on the carbon footprint and scope of administrative effort.
2. Amount of energy savings (e.g. saved kWh, CO2 emissions).
3. Technical quality of the contribution and transferability to other organisational units.
4. Synergies (e.g. links to teaching, research and administration).
Please submit your entries to the Chairperson of the university’s Sustainability Committee, Dr. Stefan Ewert, via email (stefan.ewertuni-greifswaldde) by 12 May 2024.
Contact at the University of Greifswald
Dr. Stefan Ewert
Rural Sustainability Unit
Department of Political Science and Communication Studies
Political Science
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 3, 17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3171