Call for Entries for the Competition “Weltoffene Universität” (Cosmopolitan University) 2017

Weltoffene Universität 2017

Project description

The University is hosting a competition with the theme ‘cosmopolitan university’. The submitted entries should creatively translate the following passage of the University’s mission statement:

“The University invites people of all origins and convictions to take part in academic education, to work together to enhance knowledge and to train proficiency in all areas of human life and social existence.  This means that the University, its members as researchers, teaching staff and students, are expected to stand up for a free, civil and democratic society and to advocate the peaceful coexistence of humans and nations. “

In cooperation with the Caspar David Friedrich Institute, the texts will be arranged artistically and presented as part of a literary walk around the town.


The jury will award three prizes for the best entries;  The 1st Prize is € 1,000, the 2nd Prize € 750 and the 3rd Prize € 500.


All of the students and staff at the University and University Medicine Greifswald are welcome to submit entries. The following types of entry can be submitted up until the 22nd June 2017:

  • Texts (max. one A4 page)
  • Photos or sketches relating to the text
  • Videos relating to the text
  • Audio files

All entries should be submitted in digital form with contact details to the Equal Opportunities Office


Ruth Terodde
Central Equal Opportunities Officer

Jo Zynda
Caspar David Friedrich Institute
