Call for applications: Scholarships for international PhD students 2020/2021

University of Greifswald, ©Jan_Meßerschmidt
University of Greifswald, ©Jan_Meßerschmidt

1. Degree completion scholarships

The application is open for international doctoral candidates, who are enrolled at the University of Greifswald and expect to complete their PhD within the next 12 months. The degree completion scholarships aim to enable international doctoral candidates to complete their degree without having to worry about finances. Scholarships can be awarded for 2 months each (1000 euros/ month).

2. Scholarship for particularly commited international doctoral candidates

Scholarships for particularly committed candidates can be awarded to international doctoral students who have distinguished themselves through good academic achievements and notable social commitment in an international context. They are involved, for example, in international projects, social programmes or student initiatives as well as engage themselves for the integration of other international students or doctoral candidates in Greifswald and at the University. Scholarships can be awarded for 2 months each (1000 euros/ month).


Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • You are enrolled as an international doctoral candidate at the University of Greifswald and have obtained good or very good marks.

  • You have good academic performance and engage yourself in social work or intercultural activities.

  • Your primary residence is Germany during the awarding months.

  • You are not currently receiving other public funding – either form Germany of from abroad (e.g. DAAD, AvH).

If you meet the requirements, please send the following application documents as one PDF file to: international.officeuni-greifswaldde by 15/11/2020:

  • Cover letter/ letter of motivation in which you shortly describe your research project and your motivation for the application.

  • Letter of recommendation from the supervisor of your thesis.

  • CV including a short overview of your previous academic achievements.

We are looking forward to your application!

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