Apply Now for Doctoral Scholarships

Every semester, the University of Greifswald awards scholarships to particularly highly-qualified junior academics preparing to do their doctorates. 

The basis for this is provided by the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (Act on State Graduate Funding - LGFG M-V) of 20/11/2008, effective as of 18/12/2008, and the Landesgrauiertenförderungsverordnung (Ordinance on State Graduate Funding - LGFVO M-V) of 23/03/2010, effective as of 01/04/2010, and the University of Greifswald’s Senate’s ruling of 19/05/2010.

Applications can be made for two new scholarships funded by the state graduate funding programme and three new Bogislaw scholarships funded by the corporate budget. The scholarships are awarded subject to the availability of state budgetary funds and corporate budgetary funds.


Further information
Graduate Funding at the University of Greifswald


Contact at the University of Greifswald
Legal Services Office/Electoral Office/Scholarships
Domstraße 58a, 17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +3834 420 1357
