25th polenmARkT Begins on 9 November 2022: Greifswald Transforms into Germany’s Centre of Polish Culture in November

Poster from this year's polenmARkT
Poster from this year's polenmARkT

Stimulating evenings with film, literature and music are in store for us. There will be readings and discussions with interesting authors such as Karolina Kuszyk, Jakub Żulczyk, Żanna Słoniowska, Monika Szymanik and Uwe Rada, as well as exhibitions by Wojtek Więckowski, Andrzej Łazowski, Götz Lemberg, Grażyna Lupa, and Ewa Aberbuch.

Music lovers will find a lot on offer: Nata & Evgeny, the Ukrainian duo with the shofar horn, at the opening on 10 November at the Krupp-Kolleg and on 12 November at the Haus der Begegnung, a contemporary mix of folk, bossa nova and jazz with the Ola Jas Quartet, electrifying punk rock with Izzy and the Black Trees, electro with JoaLuna in St. Spiritus, punk with SKØV in the Klex, and at the closing concert on 19 November: Reggae with Mesajah and an innovative electro live show with brodachè in the Straze.

Film fans can look forward to short film evenings by the Kraków Academy of Fine Arts (14 November) and the Szczecin Film Festival (11 November) at Brasserie Hermann.

Lectures on Polish history, Polish society and Slavic traces in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern’s landscape formations, the German-Polish Speech with Dipl.-Pol. Bastian Sendhardt (German Poland Institute, Darmstadt), and the live show with Steffen Möller in the Civic Hall round off the programme.

"Using the rich Polish culture as a foundation, we want to awaken interest and understanding for the past and present of the neighbouring country, question stereotypes and clichés, and enable new experiences and insights," says Artistic Director Dr Marek Fiałek.

"In these challenging times, it is particularly important to know that you have reliable and strong partners at your side, without whom the realisation of polenmARkT would not be possible," says Prof. Dr. Andreas Ohme, who, on behalf of the entire festival, would like to express his sincere thanks to all of the sponsors, partners and supporters who have accompanied us over the past 25 years.

A warm invitation to the colourful celebration of Polish art and culture in Greifswald and beyond - Zapraszamy!

For the full programme and more information, see





Media release by polenmARkT e.V. from 04 November 2022

Event poster
