Workshop: Inactivity Between Aesthetic Practice and Sociopolitical Challenge

This workshop aims to critically examine artistic, literary, philosophical, and political strategies and practices of inaction. It looks at how these practices, on one hand, work against dominant cultural and political narratives and, on the other, are absorbed by capitalism and ultimately become neoliberal adjuncts to prevailing economic and political systems. The focus of the workshop will be on artistic and aesthetic practices from the early twentieth century until today, since they offer a particularly fertile testing ground for thinking through strategies of action and inaction. One example might be found with so-called unofficial artists, writers, and intellectuals in totalitarian or post-totalitarian systems. They could not afford to protest in plain sight and thus often chose non-assuming and perhaps counter-intuitive strategies like leisure, ambivalence, and irony for staging their resistance. Also, Eastern European performance art, for example, has long demonstrated that inaction can structure the artist’s presence as much as (if not more eloquently than) action. Here, the typical action, which with its Western connotations is often imagined to lead to a romanticized version of revolution, is subverted.


Thursday, 11 July

14:00–14:30 Hana Gründler and Antje Kempe
Welcome and Introduction

From Withdrawal to Distraction
Chair: Simon Godart

14:30–15:00 Helen Lewandowski
‘Powerful’ and ‘Interesting’: Photojournalism and Aesthetics in Luc Delahaye’s Work

15:00–15:30 Jakub Marek
The Right to Be Distracted. On the Problem of Inactivity, Focus, and Distraction

Abandonment and Evasion
Chair: David Ventura

16:00–16:30 Ewa Macura-Nnamdi
Abandoned Lives: On Inaction in Wolfgang Fischer’s Styx

16:30–17:00 Wing Ki Lee
Tang Ping and Contemporary Sinophone: Subconsciousness, Subtext, and Subdue

Productive Inactivity?
Chair: Emir Yigit

17:30–18:00 Tobias Ertl
Artistic Inactivism: Conceptual Art and Modernity’s Productivist Paradigm

18:00–18:30 Anne Gräfe
The Ambiguity of In/Activity in John Knights “The Right to be Lazy”

Evening Lecture
Moderated by Hana Gründler

19:00 D. Graham Burnett
Apophatic Activism. Science, Politics, and Silence in the 1960s
(Livestream available)


Friday, 12 July

Chair: Valerio Aparo

9:30–10:00 Michael Krimper
“Le désœuvré, l’oisif”: The Unemployed Writer from Benjamin to Bataille

10:00–10:30 Amanda Wasielewski
Never Work Again: Creative Labor, AI and Radical Retreat

Apathy and Resistance
Chair: Oliver Aas

11:00–11:30 Josip Klaić 
Gorgona Group: Inactivity as Resistance to the Socialist Regime

11:30–12:00 Renata Salecl
Apathy, Inactivity, and Alienation: The Three Virtues of Neo-Liberalism

On Doing Nothing and Slowing Down
Chair: Michal Zechariah

13:30–14:00 Ellie Power
Aimless Drifting and Slowness in Urban Films

14:00–14.30 J. Igor Fardin and Richard Lee Peragine
(In)activity and Architecture: “doing nothing apart from…”

(Not) Sleeping
Chair: Magdalena Nieslony

15:00–15:30 Angelica Stathopoulos
Bad Sleep as Moral Good

15:30 Anne Glassner, Performance and Lecture
Active Sleep! I’m Going to Rest


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  • Oliver Aas, Hana Gründler, Antje Kempe, Barbara Kristina Murovec