A tale of transmission: Leaf symbiosis and specialization to an endophytic lifestyle

Digitaler Vortrag
Foto: Rita Baumgarner

Various plant species of the Rubiaceae, Primulaceae and Dioscoreaceae form permanent associations with bacteria, often visible in the form of galls on the leaves. Uncommonly in plants, these symbiotic bacteria seem to be transmitted vertically via seeds or vegetative propagules. Vertical transmission often goes hand in hand with genome erosion, but clever mechanisms using horizontal gene transfer and host switching ensure that the bacteria keep providing optimal services to their hosts, such as the production of specialized metabolites.

Aurélien Carlier is a group leader at the Laboratory of Plant-Microbe-Environment Interactions (LIPME) in Toulouse (France) and an associate professor at the Laboratory of Microbiology of Ghent University (Belgium). He has a background in plant pathology and molecular biology (PhD from University of Connecticut, USA) and became interested in plant symbioses during a postdoc in Zürich in the lab of Professor Leo Eberl. Aurélien Carlier’s research group focuses on the interactions between plants and their bacteria at the leaf surface, using a combination of bioinformatics and molecular tools.

Moderation: Professorin Dr. Ulla Bonas


Organizational information on the digital lecture
The Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg is offering this event live as a zoom meeting, in which viewers can also take part in the subsequent discussion with video contributions.

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