DFG Research Proposal generation aided by OpenAI Deep Research: An Experiment


Prof. Dr. Georg Fuellen, Director of the Institute for Biostatistics and Informatics in Medicine and Ageing Research at the University Medicine Rostock, presents the results of his attempt to write a DFG proposal with the help of the latest generation of a generative AI.

The lecture provides answers to the questions:
1. Why you should start today checking your draft papers with AI.
2. How you can generate drafts of grant applications with AI.
3. How you can become an AI-literate and understand how AI works.

The use of generative AI in science is developing extremely dynamically, also in terms of quality, and helps saving a substantial amount of time. In a competitive research funding system, this creates great advantages for scientists. Therefore, it is important to raise awareness and provide training for the competent and critical use of these tools in science.

Please register by March 12, 2025 at zffuni-greifswaldde. We will send you the access data.

Zentrum für Forschungsförderung und Transfer | ZFF
Wollweberstraße 1, 17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 1174



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