Anti-infective Strategies of the Future – Prevention, Diagnostics, Therapy


In the 21st century, infections continue to threaten lives and health worldwide. Advances in modern medicine, including the development of highly effective, life-saving antibiotics, have not been able to overcome the problem. There are two main reasons for this: (1) emerging pathogens with the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 as a prominent example, and (2) the antibiotic resistance crisis, which heralds the beginning of a post-antibiotic era for some pathogens. Thus, we urgently need to advance our anti-infective strategies in all dimensions: Prevention, diagnostics and therapy. The diversity of infectious agents - viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites - and of the host defense mechanisms directed against make this a very complex problem. Finding solutions requires the cooperation of experts from numerous disciplines in a long-term effort. The symposium „Anti-infective Strategies of the Future – Prevention, Diagnostics, Therapy“ will bring such experts together for exchange and in depth discussions. The symposium is open to the public. Registration is required.

Registration is already closed.

Galit Alter (Boston) Fabio Bagnoli (Siena) Michael Bauer (Jena) Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding (Langen) Alex van Belkum (Leiden) Maziar Divangahi (Montreal) Eran Elinav (Rehovot) Wolf-Dietrich Hardt (Zürich) Florian Klein (Köln) Meytal Landau (Haifa) Chris Meier (Hamburg) Rolf Müller (Saarbrücken) Andreas Peschel (Tübingen) Thomas Rudel (Würzburg) Stefan Schwarz (Berlin) Victor Torres (New York) Jörg Vogel (Würzburg) Lothar Wieler (Berlin) 

Livestream will be available

Professor Dr. Barbara Bröker · Dr. Maja Richert (both Greifswald) 
Phone +49 3834 865468 · maja.richertmed.uni-greifswaldde
Conference Office:
Celia Baron M. Sc. · Phone +49 3834 420-5016 · celia.baronwiko-greifswaldde

The Symposium is funded by the Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg, the DFG-Research Training Group 2719 and the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung, Essen.

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THURSDAY (9.2.2023)

15:00 Welcome

Session I Chair: Karsten Becker

15:30 Pandemic preparedness – implementing lessons learned, but how exactly?
Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding (online)

16:00 Host microbiomeinteraction in health and disease
Eran Elinav (online)

16:30 Host-directed therapy: potential targets against obligate intracellular bacteria
Thomas Rudel (Würzburg)

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee break

Chair: Ansgar Lohse
Future challengesof AMR - theongoingpandemic
Lothar Wieler (Berlin)

19:30 Speakers‘ Dinner

FRIDAY (10.2.2023)

Session II Chair: Sebastian Günther

9:00 One drug – multiple bugs approach in antiviral chemotherapy
Chris Meier (Hamburg)

9:30 Approaches towards innovative anti-infectives from microbes
Rolf Müller (Saarbrücken)

10:00Genetics of mobile oxazolidinone resistance genes among bacteria from humans and animals
Stefan Schwarz (Berlin)

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break

Session III Chair: Uwe Völker

11:00 The A and O of enterobacteriaceal gut  colonization
Wolf-Dietrich Hardt (Zürich)

11:30 Staphylococcus aureus colonization and infection – fighting the enemy within
Andreas Peschel (Tübingen)

12:00 Mammalian DNases and their role in the tug of war between Staphylococcus aureus and the host
Victor Torres (New York)

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

Session IV Chair: Sven Hammerschmidt

13:30 Unique structures of virulent and antimicrobial amyloids assist or kill pathogens 
Meytal Landau (Haifa)

14:00 Monoclonal antibodies to prevent and treat viral infections
Florian Klein (Köln)

14:30 Antibody profiling to define correlates of immunity
Galit Alter (Boston)

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break

Session V Chair: Anca Dorhoi

15:30 Increase of antimicrobial resistance after COVID-19: we need alternative solutions!
Fabio Bagnioli (Siena)

16:00 Unlocking the Power of Macrophages in Immunity against Pulmonary Infections
Maziar Divangahi (Montreal)

16:30 Cholesterol - a pleiotropic therapeutic agent in pneumonia and sepsis
Michael Bauer (Jena)

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee break

Chair: Barbara Bröker
Future diagnosticstoday!                            
Alex van Belkum (Leiden)

19:30 Speakers‘ Dinner

SATURDAY (11.2.2023)

 9:00 – 12:00 Internal Discussion
(AWH members only)

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