Reporting discrimination

Report discrimination!

Unfortunately, discrimination and harassment can be found everywhere – also at our university. If you are affected by discrimination or harassment or have witnessed someone overstepping the mark, you can contact the Gender Equality Officer or Anti-Discrimination Officer at the University of Greifswald at any time for an initial consultation and/or to file a complaint.


The aim of a consultation is to assess the situation and, if necessary, discuss further steps. Any further action will only take place with consent of the person concerned and with strict confidentiality towards all parties involved.


The aim of an official complaint is to resolve the case, take action and sanction the incident. We recommend that you attend an initial consultation before submitting a complaint.


For all kinds of discrimination stipulated in the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG), with the exception of sexual discrimination, please contact the Anti-Discrimination Officer, Dr. Michael Schöner.

For incidents related to sexual discrimination (disadvantages related to gender or gender identity), please contact the Central Gender Equality Officer, Ruth Terodde.

Anonymous reporting procedure

If you wish to remain anonymous, we offer you the option of reporting the case using an anonymous reporting procedure. Please note, however, that anonymous reporting does not lead to an official complaint and therefore no follow-up action, intervention or sanction can be carried out. An anonymous report is therefore only used for passing on information, but still helps in planning preventive measures and for statistical purposes. It is important to know that we we will be unable to contact you after you have completed the anonymous questions. The data you enter cannot be linked to anyone.

In cases of sexual discrimination, we expressly request that you contact the Central Gender Equality Officer directly and refrain from reporting the matter anonymously via this portal.

If you would still like us to contact you after reporting the problem, you are welcome to voluntarily provide your personal data and you will receive an email from us.

We ensure that your details will be treated confidentially.

Your message will be sent via email to the functional account antidiskriminierunguni-greifswaldde, which can only be accessed by the University of Greifswald's Anti-Discrimination Officer. In order to submit the form, you must accept the University of Greifswald’s Data Protection and Privacy Policy. You can find information about this here.


*Mandatory field

Formular zum (anonymen) Melden von Diskriminierungserfahrungen_EN