Courses in English at the Department of Biology
Ecological Experiments
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kreyling, Andrey Malyshev
Experimental Design and Analysis
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kreyling
Current topics in conservation
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Kerth, Dr. Jaap van Schaik, Janis Wolf
Evolutionary Conservation Biology
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Kerth, Dr. Jaap van Schaik
Methods in Conservation & Landscape Genetics
Dr. Jan Gogarten, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Kerth, Dr. Jaap van Schaik
Conservation and Landscape Genetics
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Kerth, Dr. Jaap van Schaik
Internationaler Naturschutz I / International Nature Conservation
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Kerth, Dr. Jan Gogarten
Bewertung natürlicher Ressourcen/ Valuation of natural resources
Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann, Milena Schwarz
Moorrevitalisierung - mire restoration
Block Seminar
Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Couwenberg
Stoffhaushalt der Moore (Energy and Matter Dynamics I)
Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Couwenberg
E 47 Ecology and Protection of Ecosystems in the Southern Hemisphere and the Tropics
Block Seminar
Dr. rer. nat. Tiemo Timmermann
Applied Nature Conservation International
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Manthey, Christian Welscher
Global Environmental Problems
Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann, Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Couwenberg, Dr. Greta Gaudig, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kreyling, Dr. rer. nat. Michael Manthey, Felix Suckstorff, Franziska Tanneberger, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Wilmking
Quantitative Methods in Community Ecology
Lecture/Practical Course
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Manthey
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Principles of Landscape Ecology
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Wilmking
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Sorry, no course could be found.
Sorry, no course could be found.
Sorry, no course could be found.
Methoden der aquatischen Umweltmikrobiologie/Methods of Aquatic Environmental Microbiology
Dr. rer. nat. Marion Köster
Mikrobiologie mariner Lebensräume/Microbiology of Marine Habitats
Dr. rer. nat. Marion Köster
NUR für MSc. Umweltwiss.!: this belongs to the Evolutionsökologie - module, if you join the Theoretical Ecology
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker
Theoretical Ecology (for UWi: Evolutionsökologie)
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker
English B2 Fachsprache Geology/Geography - curriculare Belegung
Universitetsadjunkt (Schwedisch) Erik Kjellberg
English B2 Fachsprache Geology/Geography - fakultative Belegung
Universitetsadjunkt (Schwedisch) Erik Kjellberg
AM10 Practical lab course Structural Elucidation in Infection Biology
Prof. Dr. Oliver Otto
AM4 One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance
Dr. med. vet. Katharina Schaufler, Dipl.-Pharm. Elias Eger, Madeleine Paditz
AM5 Practical lab course Infectious Immunology
Prof. Dr. Anca Dorhoi, PD Dr. rer. nat. Michael R. Knittler, Christine Luttermann, Björn Corleis
CM1 Practical lab course ‘Fundamentals of Infection Biology’
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hammerschmidt
Microbial Physiology/(Meta)-OMICs Studies/Mikrobielle Physiologie/(Meta)OMICs Studien
Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Sievers, Dr. rer. nat. Daniela Zühlke
Practical course in Plant Stress Physiology (Pflanzenphysiologisches Praktikum II -Stressphysiologie)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christine Stöhr
Practical lab course ‘OMICs Technologies’
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dörte Becher, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Lalk, Dr. Kristin Surmann, Prof. Dr. Uwe Völker, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tim Urich, Dr. rer. nat. Susanne Sievers, Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Bernhardt
AM10 Structure Elucidation and Biophysics in Infection Biology
Prof. Dr. Oliver Otto
AM4 One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance
Dr. med. vet. Katharina Schaufler, Dipl.-Pharm. Elias Eger, Madeleine Paditz
AM5 Immune Defence and Immunopathology in Infections
Prof. Dr. Anca Dorhoi, Christine Luttermann, Björn Corleis
CM1 Seminar ‘Infection Biology’
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hammerschmidt, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nikolai Siemens
Molecular Basis of Viral Infection and Pathogenesis = Neue Entwicklungen in der Virologie
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Finke
Seminar ‘Current Aspects of OMICs Technologies’
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dörte Becher, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Lalk, Prof. Dr. Uwe Völker, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tim Urich, Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Bernhardt
Basics of Plant Stress Physiology (I)
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christine Stöhr
Experimental Animal Ecology
Dr. rer. nat. Erik Sperfeld, Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker
Experimental Animal Ecology - Exercises
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker
AM10 Selected chapters on Fundamentals of Biotechnology and Protein Purification and Structure-Function Studies of Proteins in Infection and Inflammation as well as Biophysical Fundamentals of Infection Biology
Prof. Dr. Oliver Otto
AM4 One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance
Dr. med. vet. Katharina Schaufler, Dipl.-Pharm. Elias Eger, Madeleine Paditz
AM5 Cellular and Molecular Immunology of Infections
Prof. Dr. Anca Dorhoi, PD Dr. rer. nat. Michael R. Knittler, Christine Luttermann, Björn Corleis
AM5 Immune Responses, Immunopathology and Immune Intervention against Pathogenic Agents
Prof. Dr. Anca Dorhoi, PD Dr. rer. nat. Michael R. Knittler, Christine Luttermann, Björn Corleis
Biodiversity, Ecology, Physiology, Evolution, Morphology and Phylogeny
Prof. Dr. Alexander Wacker, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Uhl, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerald Kerth, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Steffen Harzsch, Prof. Dr. Philipp Lehmann, Dr. rer. nat. Prof. Martin Haase
CM1 Lecture series
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hammerschmidt, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nikolai Siemens, Prof. Dr. Karsten Becker, Prof. Dr. Anca Dorhoi, Prof. Dr. Cornelia Silaghi, Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike Seifert, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Finke, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther
CM5 Lecture Bioethics
Dr. phil. Hartmut Bettin, Dr. Anna-Henrikje Seidlein, M.A. Sebastian Laacke, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sven Hammerschmidt, Dr. Wenke Liedtke
Lecture Introduction to OMICs technologies
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dörte Becher, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Lalk, Prof. Dr. Uwe Völker, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tim Urich, Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Bernhardt
Naturschutzökonomie / Nature Conservation Economics
Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann
Fortgeschrittenen-Übung Zellphysiologie/Großpraktikum Tierphysiologie
Block Seminar
Prof. Dr. Philipp Lehmann, Dr. rer. nat. Christian Müller, Dr. rer. nat. Sabine Ziesemer
Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology (previously Molecular Mechanisms of Physiological Processes)
Senior Seminar
Prof. Dr. Philipp Lehmann