If you choose to study in Greifswald, you ought to start searching for accommodation quickly and leave yourself enough time, because the housing market floods with students, especially just before the start of semester. Thanks to the good accessibility of all of the University’s facilities by bike, the location of the accommodation is not as important as the rent and furnishings.

For those of you who have to come a long way to sort your accommodation, we suggest couchsurfing with local students. Also, youth hostels and special semester offers from the hotels can be good options.

What can you do if you can’t find any accommodation?

For those of you who are a long way from home, we suggest couch surfing in local students’ flats. Also, youth hostels and special semester offers from the hotels can be good options for a temporary stay. This year, the Students’ Union (AStA) has once again set up a website for emergency accommodation offers.

Emergency accommodation offers [de]

Who provides advice and support?

It is possible to apply for a room in the halls of residence at the Studierendenwerk (Student Services). Student Services in Greifswald currently provide 814 beds in six halls of residence.

The Students' Union (AStA) [de] has their own Department for Social Affairs and Gender Equality [de]. There you will find advice and any relevant contacts.

Student Halls of Residence

In Greifswald there are several student halls of residence operated by Student Services. If you would like to live there, you need to submit an application as soon as possible. University of Greifswald students are permitted to live in the Greifswald Student Services’ halls of residence. You can find the application form online or request it by post.

Online form for the application for a place in a hall of residence

Application for Student Halls of Residence

The application should be submitted as quickly as possible and can be handed in without showing a certificate of enrolment / notification of admission. You can submit it on the Student Services’ internet site or in person. The submitted application is not a guarantee that you will get accommodation in a hall of residence!
Student Services also help you to find private rooms.

Information about housing on the website of the Studierendenwerk

Before you start looking for accommodation

  • think about how big the flat should be, which furnishings you need and the how much rent you can afford;
  • consider whether a shared flat (WG) is an option;
  • if you are applying for a room in a student hall of residence, check whether there are any deadlines.

Then you can use the various official and unofficial ways of finding your accommodation. You can use advertising platforms, websites for flat-sharing offers, as well as social media.

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find the perfect shared flat or flat at the start of studies! Many students move once or twice around Greifswald during the course of their studies as soon as demand declines following the start of semester.

Private Housing Market

Housing Associations

In Greifswald there are two housing associations with varying conditions, who try to provide student-friendly flats in many locations, in all price ranges and furnished or non-furnished.