Departmental Exchange Coordinators

The departmental exchange coordinators are the members of staff in the subject areas or departments who are responsible for all academic matters related to student mobility (e.g. the signing of the learning agreement). You can also contact the departmental exchange coordinators if you plan to initiate international collaboration or projects. Further contact details and addresses can be found using the search function of the telephone directory.


Subject area Contact email
Art History & Art and Design Jo Zynda jo.zyndauni-greifswaldde
Baltic Studies Prof. Dr. Stephan Kessler stephan.kessleruni-greifswaldde
Biochemistry Dr. rer. nat. Gottfried J. Palm palmuni-greifswaldde
Biology Prof. Dr. Gabriele Uhl gabriele.uhluni-greifswaldde
British and North American Studies Yunong Li yunong.liuni-greifswaldde
  North America: Dr. Anette Brauer braueruni-greifswaldde
Communication Studies Dr. Martha Kuhnhenn martha.kuhnhennuni-greifswaldde
Dentistry Prof. Christian Splieth spliethuni-greifswaldde
Economics and Business Studies Prof. Dr. Hans Pechtl pechtluni-greifswaldde
Educational Science Dr. Frances Hoferichter frances.hoferichteruni-greifswaldde
Finnish and Scandinavian Studies Arnt Sundstøl arnt.sundstoluni-greifswaldde
Geography / Geology Jörg Hartleib hartleibuni-greifswaldde
German Language and Literature Dr. Rebecca Zabel rebecca.zabeluni-greifswaldde
History Dr. Jasmin Hauck jasmin.hauckuni-greifswaldde
Landscape Ecology and Nature Conservation Dr. Michael Manthey mantheyuni-greifswaldde
Law Prof. Dr. Stefan Harrendorf stefan.harrendorfuni-greifswaldde
Mathematics / Computer Science Prof. Dr. Mareike Fischer emailmareikefischerde
Medicine Prof. Dr. Lars Kaderali lars.kaderaliuni-greifswaldde
Pharmacy PD Dr. Gregor Radau radauuni-greifswaldde
Philosophy Prof. Dr. Allard Tamminga allard.tammingauni-greifswaldde
Physics PD Dr. Franz Xaver Bronold franzxaver.bronolduni-greifswaldde
Political Science Maximilian Krebs powi-erasmusuni-greifswaldde
Psychology Dr. Henriette Tazelaar erasmus-psychuni-greifswaldde
Sacred Music and Musicology Sacred Music: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schneider matthias.schneideruni-greifswaldde
Musicology: PD Dr. Martin Loeser loeseruni-greifswaldde
Slavonic Studies Dr. Grzegorz Lisek grzegorz.lisekuni-greifswaldde
Theology Dr. Karin Berkemann karingisela.berkemannuni-greifswaldde