Short Periods of Stay Abroad
As an alternative to conventional periods of stay abroad, short-term stays are becoming increasingly popular. The broad range of language- and subject-specific courses at institutions abroad provide you with the opportunity to advance your subject knowledge, but also to gain credit points (ECTS) that can be recognised in Greifswald. On this page, you can find out more about the various opportunities. The International Office will gladly provide you with information about funding options.
Subject Courses and Summer Schools Abroad
A large number of universities all over the world provide subject-specific courses during the non-teaching period. You can e.g. take part in a summer school or winter school, advance your subject knowledge in an international group of students, and expand your intercultural competencies. Why not register for a summer school at one of our partner universities?
- Austria: Graz International Summer School Seggau: Re-Measuring, Re-Calculating, Re-Counting: State - Society - Religion in Transition
- Austria: University of Vienna Summer School 2024
- Croatia: Zagreb Summer School of Economics and Management 2024
- Czech Republic: Center for Behavioral Experiments (CEBEX) - Summer School on Behavioral Sciences
- Denmark: Aarhus Summer University 2024
- Finland: Jyväskylä Summer School in Human Sciences
- Finland: Jyväskylä 32nd Summer School
- Finland: Turku Åbo Summer School
- Finland: University of Eastern Finland Summer School
- Italy: University Pardua - Summer School in Italian History and Culture
- Korea: Kyungpook National University, Summer School 2024
- Lithuania: VIKO Summer School 2024 (Entrepreneurship, Youth Socioculture, Sustainable Agriculture)
- Netherlands: Utrecht University Summer School (various courses)
- Poland: Interdisciplinary International Silesian Summer School “VINCI - Dive into Science”
- Slowenia: Ljubljana Doctoral Summer School 2024
- Spain: Barcelona International Summer School “Tackling Global Challenges”
- Spain: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Summer School of Economics and Business 2024
- Spain: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Climate Change Summer School 2024
- Spain, Gran Canaria: Summer School 2024
- Austria: University of Vienna: Winter School for Cultural Historical Studies
- Bosnia und Herzegovina: University of Banja Luka: Go East Winter School
- Czech Republic: Masaryk University: Human Rights and International Law
- Czech Republic: Masaryk University: International Relations and Threats to Global Security
- Italy: University of Trento: Arms Transfers and Control. Political, Legal and Social Implications
- Italy: University of Trento: Physics of the Cell
- Korea: Kyungpook National University: Online Winter School
- For further information and registration/nomination, please contact the International Office: hsauni-greifswaldde
- Slovenia: University of Ljubljana: Economic Psychology
- Slovenia: University of Ljubljana: Quantitative Research with R Studio
- Slovenia: University of Ljubljana: Introduction to Data Science with Python
- Slovenia: University of Ljubljana: Applied Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Stata and R
- Spain: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Winter School
- Switzerland: Institute for Peace and Dialogue Winter Programmes
You can find more summer schools in Europe here: Summer Schools in Europe.eu.
Language Courses
Many universities abroad offer language courses. This not only enables you to improve your language skills in the corresponding country, but you can also get to know the university abroad. To find a suitable language course, use the DAAD’s course database [de].
Maltalingua School of English offers scholarships to students who participate in two-week language courses (including the courses themselves, certificates, accommodation and transport to accommodation). Click here for more information. The call for applications is ongoing.
PROMOS Programme
The DAAD’s PROMOS Programme provides students and doctoral candidates who cover their own short stays abroad with a one-off 500 EUR grant to cover course fees. These stays may last between five days and four months and take place at state-run universities all over the world.
Go East Programme
Via the Go East Programme, the DAAD offers funding for participation at summer schools in Central Europe, South-Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe.
Further opportunities
International cultural and language departments often offer programmes that last several weeks. Information is available at the respective department.
“My time at the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica was rather pleasant. I had been provided with an office of my own, and the university took care of the licences I needed for my fieldwork and the export of my samples. Whenever questions would arise, the university staff was happy to help.”
(Jonas, Master dissertation MSc. Landscape Ecology in Costa Rica)
Listen to our podcast or check out the blog Greifswald goes International to hear about outgoers’ experiences abroad.
International Office
Roberta Wirminghaus
Domstraße 58a, Ground Floor
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1112