Main building University of Saskatchewan Kanada – Photo: Julia Balk

Research and Teaching Abroad

Teaching and conducting research abroad have become an integral part of any successful academic career. If you would like to teach or undertake research in another country, you will find information on planning and funding your project here. The International Office will be pleased to provide assistance and advice.


DAAD Support Programmes

The DAAD offers over 100 programmes designed to support and promote international academic cooperation. A wide variety of grants and scholarships are available for longer-term teaching and research placements. Information on all available grants and scholarships can be found in the DAAD scholarship database [de].


Congress Visits and Lecturing Tours

Congress Visits and Lecturing Tours

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides funding for congress visits (application has to be submitted up to four months before the start of the trip) and lecturing tours (submit application up to one month before the start of the trip). Information on requirements and procedures can be found here.

Research Travel Grants

The research travel grants [de] offered by the DAAD can help to fund your own individual research project at a host institution abroad.


Short-Term and Long-Term Teaching Positions (worldwide)

The DAAD provides financial assistance for short-term and long-term teaching posts at foreign universities. For more information on the requirements and organisational issues, please click here [de].


Language Teaching Assistants

Recent graduates can gain experience as language assistants [de] in the subject areas ‘German Language and Literature’ and ‘German as a Foreign Language’ or can apply to the DAAD lectureship programme for the German language [de] for a longer-term position teaching German abroad.


Project-Specific Individual Exchange Programme

The project-specific individual exchange programme [de] provides members of the university, particularly early-career researchers, with travel assistance and support for short-terms stays to enable them to continue their educational development and to gain new skills in an international environment.


Financial Support from Foundations

Numerous foundations and institutions provide funding to support researchers interested in working overseas. The following list is not exhaustive:

• Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship)

• Fulbright Programme [de]

• Robert Bosch Foundation German Teaching Programme

Calls for Applications [de]

Here you will find all current calls for applications.

Your Contact at the International Office

International Office
Domstraße 8
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1116

Testimonial Nadine O´Shea - Foto: Nadine O´Shea



“A stay abroad as a guest lecturer provides you with the opportunity to experience teaching in a different way and to meet local students. You will network with colleagues and get to know a new country, which is not always that easily done. Usually, one has to deal with bureaucratic obstacles. This is not the case with Erasmus+.” (Nadine O´Shea, research assistant at the Chair of International Relationships and Regional Studies, guest-lectureship at the University West in Trollhättan, Sweden)

Check out this this podcast and the blog Greifswald goes International to learn about her and other outgoers’ experiences abroad.