The Senate: The University’s Parliament

Chairperson of the Senate
Prof. Dr. Marko Pantermöller
Tel.: +49 3834 420 3611

Senate Office
Folke Siemen
Tel.: +49 3834 420 1201
Fax: +49 3834 420 1207

The Academic Senate was last elected in from 11 to 14 January 2022 for the duration of two years. The student representatives in the Academic Senate were elected in 2023 for a duration of one year. The term of office started on 1 April 2023. Alongside the Rectorate, the Senate is the second central organ of the University.

Depending on the area of responsibility, the Senate is divided into the Reduced and Extended Senate. The student members of the Senate each act for one year.

The Reduced Senate decides - with exception of the basic regulations and the election regulations - the statutes and University regulations, especially the examination and study regulations; it passes comments on the faculties’ regulations. The Reduced Senate has to be heard before any organisational subdivisions or degree courses are created, changed or terminated.